Sunday, September 21, 2014

Nikki Sixx's Sixx AM Planning World Tour

Big things have been happening for Motley Crue and Sixx AM bassist Nikki Sixx lately. Currently he is embarked on a long final tour with the Crue and has a third album from Sixx AM (titled Modern Vintage) coming out on October 7th.

It gets better, however. According to an interview in Lithium with Sixx AM singer James Michael the band will be doing a worldwide tour soon. Now that Motley Crue will finally be winding down and that guitarist DJ Ashba does not have any upcoming obligations with Guns N' Roses there are no more things to get in the way of such an event. Michael says they "are so excited to be able to put Sixx: A.M. at the forefront of all of our lives. For the first two records we weren’t sure we were a band. And now we are so excited with this new album and the future that we know we are – we truly feel the sky is the limit. We are planning a big tour right now, and everything feels like it’s happening at the right time.”

Sixx AM has only toured once and that was back in 2008 when they were in on Motley Crue's Crue Fest tour package. That being said this tour has definitely been a long time coming for fans of the band.

It should be fun to be able to see Sixx AM doing a vast number of the tunes they have written up to this point live. I know I have a few personal favorites I would love to have the chance to see performed. They probably won't be packing huge venues like Motley Crue, but that should make the shows more intimate and raw. Hopefully we hear more details on when this tour will be happening soon.

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