Thursday, September 17, 2015

Throwback Thursday: Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap, by AC/DC

In 1976 Aussie hard rock legends AC/DC released their third studio album: Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap. This was a time in the band's career where things were really starting to take off due to the success of their first two albums. The title track of the album is considered one of the band's classic tunes and is a staple in their catalog and live sets.

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap continues the balls to the wall high octane blues rock kind of vibe of AC/DC's first couple of albums. Big surprise, right? The one small exception though is that it also contains AC/DC's one and only sad slow song: Ride On; a song which once in a while is still played live by the band. However, the rest of the album is full of audacious double entendres with blister fast solos, punch riffs, thunder bass and drums, etc.

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap is probably one of the most baffling songs to ever become a hit for AC/DC. Considering the song is about hiring a hit man to do your dirty work for cheap you wouldn't think that it would become so mainstream; yet here it is to this day one of their most popular songs. It's low down and dirty, but in all the best possible ways. No AC/DC concert would ever be complete without it.

Big Balls is in my opinion the single most lyrically creative song that AC/DC has EVER written. Singer Bon Scott managed to find ways of making the whole song sound like he was talking about male genitalia when in reality all he was talking about was ballroom parties. I laughed my ass off the first time I ever heard it as a kid. It's incredibly silly and fun. However, don't listen to it anywhere near sensitive company.

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap is without a doubt an AC/DC classic for a reason. There are so many great tunes on it; many of which you don't hear much about on the radio or anywhere else aside from the title track. There isn't a single bad tune on it. I guarantee you will find at least one or two hidden gems on it that you will consider personal treasures if you do yourself the favor of picking the album up.

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap, by AC/DC receives 4 out of 5 stars.

Track List:

1. Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
2. Love at First Feel
3. Big Balls
4. Rocker
5. Problem Child
6. There's Gonna Be Some Rockin' (At the Show Tonight)
7. Ain't No Fun (Waiting Round to Be a Millionaire)
8. Ride On
9. Squealer

Buy the album on Amazon:

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