Friday, September 18, 2015

AC/DC Vocalist Side By Side Comparison

One thing that has divided AC/DC fans over the past few decades is whether or not they prefer original vocalist Bon Scott or current vocalist Brian Johnson. Both have very distinctly different vocal styles, stage presences, song writing styles, etc. Even the overall sound of the band had shifted between having the two different singers. Today during the last day of AC/DC Week here on Young Ears, Fresh Perspective we're going to do a side by side comparison of the two singers and how they affected the band.

Bon Scott 1974-1980

Bon Scott's voice was pretty recognizable. He had that greasy sleazy sneer that no one else since has managed to replicate. This was a man who clearly did not care whether or not he had any traditional singing ability. That being said, he was perfect for AC/DC as they were just starting to get off the ground and laying the groundwork for their career. The band at that point was a lot more based in straight up blues and rockabilly but with a greater punch in the guitars. Scott also being based in similar roots was able to pick up on it without much problem and suited them quite well until his untimely demise in February of 1980.

Brian Johnson 1980-Present

When Scott passed, AC/DC had to decide whether or not to carry on. When they made the choice to do so, they hired Brian Johnson; a singer whom Bon Scott was highly fond of. Johnson's voice was incredibly different from Scott's. Rather than a sneer, Johnson screamed in an oddly melodic way. This then made the band change its sound to one that was louder, more epic, and more punchy. It was a great way for AC/DC to change with the times (as heavy metal was becoming more of a thing) and stay relevant. Plus, without Johnson we never would have received the blessing that is the Back in Black album.


Personally I think of AC/DC as two different bands. While both have mostly the same members they both have almost entirely different sounds; both of which I LOVE for different reasons. I don't understand why people necessarily feel the need to compare so much. Either way, it's all AC/DC and it kicks some serious ass. What do you think? Do you prefer one AC/DC vocalist over the other? Let me know in the comments below.

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