Guns N' Roses singer Axl Rose has become rather infamous over the years for being a rather big primadonna and diva. He has been known to be a rather difficult to work with, according to popular sources. However, there are people who would disagree with the media's notion entirely - such a person being AC/DC's production manager Dale Skjerseth.
According to Skjerseth (who has worked with Rose before the tour he is doing with AC/DC to fill in for Brian Johnson who had to bow out due to hearing problems), the public has the entirely wrong idea of what Rose is like as a person. In an interivew Skjerseth did with he says Rose is in fact a regular person just like you and me. He doesn't do all the kinds of things one might think he would.
Skjerseth says:
“He’s not the diva – he never has been. I’ve worked with him many times before. He’s like any artist – he loves his show. He is a regular guy – we’re all different, we all can be weird, but that’s okay in life. That’s what makes him who he is."
Skjerseth then went on to talk about how Rose's helping out with the band is going and how it's made some rather positive changes, saying:
"He’s enjoying himself, the band is enjoying him. They play old songs. The show is longer now too. It used to be two hours, it’s now two hours and 20 minutes. Who knows what they’ll come up with? The production is the same. They’re not taking anything away. They’re playing and Axl is walking it out – he is doing this with honor. … They’re sounding fantastic and it’s a great show. At the end of the day, it’s AC/DC the way they always intended it to be.”
I'm definitely glad to see that Rose is having a positive impact on AC/DC in their time of need. Pulling out all those old Bon Scott era songs has probably helped them immensely. I've always kind of known that he isn't the big diva that everyone makes him out to be because it's not that difficult to realize that the media LOVES to blow things out of proportion and sensationalize them. Regardless, it looks like the general public is starting to realize this too since Rose has been doing such a fantastic job on the AC/DC tour.
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