Friday, February 23, 2018

Robert Plant Says There May Be Led Zeppelin 50th Anniversary Celebration

It's hard to believe that this year makes half a century since Led Zeppelin put out their debut album and changed the course of rock n' roll forever while also paving the way for heavy metal to follow it. Now, singer Robert Plant is saying there might just be a celebration of sorts.

In a recent interview with The Current Plant talks about the photo book coming up, the live album, and more, saying:

“We're planning to get together and talk about it. Basically, it's very difficult to find stuff that still is unheard. … And the great thing about Led Zeppelin was that we didn't chronicle ourselves. We just kind of went from town to town and sang songs and played guitars and stuff. And then went about our lives.

I wish that we had more stuff to look at, but there will be a book of photographs and stuff. But some of it will be particularly interesting, I think. Beyond that, musically, there's bits and pieces lying around, but not an album or anything like that. But there will be a celebration, I'm sure, somewhere. A cork will pop!”

I seriously doubt that there will be any kind of reunion show, tour, or new album but you never know. After all, if Guns N' Roses can get (mostly) back together then virtually anything is possible. In the mean time we can still enjoy the five decades' worth of stuff they have given us.

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