Friday, September 15, 2017

Throwback Thursday: Trouble, by Whitesnake

Whitesnake is an older band than you might think. Most people associate them with their late 80's hair metal hits, but they actually got started noticeably earlier than that. The band was founded in 1978 when band leader/singer David Coverdale decided that he liked the band he was touring with so much under his own solo act that he wanted to keep them around. Not long after, they had their bluesy, rocking debut album Trouble out to the public.

Trouble couldn't be any further from metal. In the beginning Whitesnake sounded more like a blend of Led Zeppelin and Bad Company, among other things. At the same time, they had their own unique and potent identity which shined through brilliantly on the first album. It's full of rockers, blues ballads, and songs with a bit of swagger to them. It was a strong start for the countless things that would come to follow.

Trouble features one of my absolute favorite Beatles covers ever done: Day Tripper. Where the original was just a straightforward 60's pop rock tune, Whitesnake made it funky and groovy. I know, not adjectives you would normally associate with the band. Still, the cover sounded grand and smooth while also having a rhythm that you could almost associate with reggae. The best part though is the breakdown when they use the talk box.

The title track of the record, Trouble is a classic for certain. In some ways it has some of that slow southern rock feel to it with its melodies, organ, and guitar arpeggios. At the same time though, you can feel that beastly rocking bluesy soul that only the British could manage to create. It's a slow, swaying kind of tune but it will make you want to get your lighter out and hold it in the air while getting lost in the feel of the music.

While Trouble isn't my personal favorite Whitesnake record, I find there is absolutely nothing wrong with it at all. As I said earlier, it's one of the strongest debut records I have ever heard. It's got variety and keeps you guessing while still managing to be a cohesive unit. It's definitely a must have for anyone who is a big fan of British blues rock from the 70's or anyone curious to hear where this band got its start. Can't recommend it enough.

Trouble, by Whitesnake receives 4 out of 5 stars.

Track List:

1. Take Me With You
2. Love to Keep You Warm
3. Lie Down (A Modern Love Song)
4. Day Tripper
5. Nighthawk (Vampire Blues)
6. The Time is Right for Love
7. Trouble
8. Belgian Tom's Hat Trick
9. Free Flight
10. Don't Mess With Me

Buy the album on Amazon:

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