Monday, March 20, 2017

5 Songs to Get You Through the Week #110

5 Songs to Get You Through the Week is a feature I run on Young Ears, Fresh Perspective on Sundays/early hours of Monday morning where I pick out 5 tunes that I think are notable and tell you a bit about them. The point is to give you some rocking music to help you deal with your weekday blues. You can either listen to one each day, listen to them all at once, or any other combination that you feel. As long as you can get through the week without the man getting you down, that's all I care about. Without further ado, here are the 5 tracks I've picked out for this week:

1. Johnny B. Goode, by Chuck Berry

With the tragic passing of who in my opinion was the REAL King of Rock n' Roll, I am going to do something a little different this week with the theme. I'm going to give you your playlist like I normally do every week, but today I am also going to be sharing with you guys some of my thoughts and feelings about the passing of this legendary rock n' roll icon.

2. School Days, by Chuck Berry

My first album that I ever owned was a Chuck Berry compilation disc when I was probably no more than 10 or 11 years old. After hearing Johnny B. Goode in the classic film Back to the Future I just HAD to hear more of this guy. I would play that entire CD on repeat in my room day after day for years. Some of the fondest memories of my childhood involve his music playing in the background or me just sitting there paying direct attention, absorbing it all in.

3. Rock and Roll Music, by Chuck Berry

When most people think of 50's rock n' roll and the foundation of the genre, they think Elvis Presley. While they do have a point, for me it was always Chuck Berry. He penned and recorded so many classic songs that are staples in any 1950's playlist. He created the iconic duck walk which many other rockers have emulated over the past few decades. Without him laying down the basic groundwork for what rock n' roll should sound like, music would have gone in an entirely different direction.

4. No Particular Place to Go, by Chuck Berry

Honestly, it was Chuck that got me into rock n' roll as much as I am and later inspired me as a teenager to pick up the electric guitar. Even though at the time he wasn't the main thing I was listening to any more, his music had a huge ripple effect that caused me to realize that rock n' roll was more than just a pastime. It was what I wanted to do with my life. It's fun, grooves, and lets you express yourself in ways nothing else allows you to.

5. My Ding-A-Ling, by Chuck Berry

I'm really sad to see Chuck go. I know he was getting up there (90 years old), but I guess I wasn't quite ready for him to be gone yet. It's a real bummer to see just how few of the corner stones of rock n' roll are still around and how many of them have passed on to the great gig in the sky. That said, may you rest in peace Mr. Berry. You gave me my childhood and helped me figure out what I wanted to be when I grew up. I can't thank you enough.


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