Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Kiss Caught Using Pre-Recorded Tracks at Japanese Concert

It's kind of sad that we have gotten to a point where it is incredibly common for artists/bands to use pre-recorded tracks for their live performances rather than just playing the music right then and there like they should. It is almost an anomaly for a band to actually be completely live. Kind of sickening in a way. At a recent gig Kiss finally got caught amongst the ranks of the mime brigade.

This happened at a recent gig they were playing in Japan. They were performing the track Samurai Son; a track they recently collaborated on creating with J-pop group Momoiro Clover Z. Kiss quickly admitted via Twitter that not all of the tracks were live and that some were pre-recorded. Their reasoning for this is because the tune has many layers to it and not all of them can be provided by just the four guys they have in their personnel.

The tweet reads:

"Recorded Samurai Son for Japan. To reproduce production here we play live with extra tracks. Nothing to hide"

I am glad that they were at least honest about it when confronted with the situation, but I think if they need extra tracks they should just hire whatever extra musicians they need and have them playing just off to the side of the stage so things don't get crowded and distracting from the main attraction. It isn't that uncommon a thing to do. At the very least it would still be live music the audience is getting instead of just a recording. If people want to listen to pre-recorded stuff they can just stay home, push the play button, and save themselves the astronomical amount of money it costs to go to a concert these days.

Speaking of the ticket fees... If a band is going to charge as much as they do for a concert ticket then they had better be actually playing their instruments and doing everything live; otherwise they are just cheating the fans who worked really hard for the money for the tickets out of what they paid to see and hear.

The video from the aforementioned performance can be watched here:

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