Monday, July 2, 2018

5 Songs to Get You Through the Week #172

 Songs to Get You Through the Week is a feature I run on Young Ears, Fresh Perspective on Sundays/early hours of Monday morning where I pick out 5 tunes that I think are notable and tell you a bit about them. The point is to give you some rocking music to help you deal with your weekday blues. You can either listen to one each day, listen to them all at once, or any other combination that you feel. As long as you can get through the week without the man getting you down, that's all I care about. Without further ado, here are the 5 tracks I've picked out for this week:

1. Hip (Eponymous) Poor Boy, by Jack White

This little ditty without a single speck of a shadow of a doubt has to be my absolute favorite song that Jack White has written during his solo career so far. It is not a rock n' roll tune at all, but it feels like old school, fun, classic bubblegum pop but with real instruments and some well written lyrics that are not in the slightest bit shallow like other modern pop tunes. I find myself playing it on repeat all the time because it is way too damn catchy for its own good. 

2. Burn It to the Ground, by Nickelback

Oh no! Not Nickelback! Yes, Nickelback. I really don't understand why it is so trendy to hate on them. I really don't. Plus, it wasn't all THAT long ago that we were ALL rocking out to them and getting stoked for each new album they would put out. I think if the stupid fad would die out we could get back to appreciating the fun music that they make. You can't honestly say that this stereo cranking tune doesn't make you want to air guitar.

3. Double Talkin' Jive, by Guns N' Roses

If more old school hard rock is more your scene though, have some classic GN'R. Fun fact: This was actually the first Guns N' Roses song I ever learned how to play on guitar. It isn't all that difficult, but that doesn't make it rock any less. It has sheer fire, passion, and rage and Axl Rose isn't even the one singing it. It was actually rhythm guitarist Izzy Stradlin who took the mic on this one. It rocked back then and it sure as hell still does now.

4. Walk, by Pantera

We all got the devastating news recently that former Pantera drummer Vinnie Paul died due to a heart attack. It really is a shame because he wasn't all that old. In his 50's, if I recall correctly. He could have had many more years of rocking and rolling ahead of him, but some times the Reaper comes for us when we least expect it. That said, in this week's post we will take a few minutes to remember the sticksman with one of his most beloved tunes.

5. Yellow Submarine, by The Beatles

And now for something completely different. When the world seems like too much of a sad, depressing place full of chaos and rage it is nice to just take a break from it all and put on one of The Beatles' most fun, cheery, and uplifting songs. I know I always feel better afterward. Always have. In fact, I remember being 11 years old and singing this over and over while all of my peers were getting into whatever crappy pop stars or rappers were popular at the time.

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