Monday, June 4, 2018

5 Songs to Get You Through the Week #168

5 Songs to Get You Through the Week is a feature I run on Young Ears, Fresh Perspective on Sundays/early hours of Monday morning where I pick out 5 tunes that I think are notable and tell you a bit about them. The point is to give you some rocking music to help you deal with your weekday blues. You can either listen to one each day, listen to them all at once, or any other combination that you feel. As long as you can get through the week without the man getting you down, that's all I care about. Without further ado, here are the 5 tracks I've picked out for this week:

1. Dance Macabre, by Ghost

Mystery metal band Ghost put out a new album last Friday and it is pretty darn snazzy. I'm not really into a whole lot of Satanic stuff myself, but not everything they do is that kind of thing. This song in particular was one of my favorites from the new record. It has sort of a disco meets metal flavour, but not in a way where it seems overly cheesy or forced. Like, they actually managed to take metal and put it to a well composed disco beat and it stays stuck in your head.

2. The Crunge, by Led Zeppelin

I have to feel bad for Robert Plant here. He spends so long just trying to find that confounded bridge and nobody seems to be able to help him do so. For the course of the entire song this is where he is trying to get to and there does not seem to be a clear path toward it. It's one of those songs where because the bridge cannot be found it just goes and goes on and on until at one point out of nowhere it just sort of comes to a stop.

3. Lick It Up, by Kiss

After their 70's heyday Kiss definitely for a while struggled to remain relevant. The 80's in my opinion were NOT a good time for them, especially once they took the make-up off. However, there are a handful of tunes they did during this period that I find myself particularly fond of. This innuendo laden track happens to be one of them. I find the melodies and harmonies in the vocals to be rather pleasing.

4. Torture, by Rival Sons

This song is one of the big highlights of EVERY Rival Sons concert. It has this gigantic grooving nature to it. It's a loud pounding rock n' roll tune, yet it knows where to back off a bit so that when the full band does come roaring back in it has that much bigger of an impact. In my opinion, this is where Rival Sons truly became the band that I know and love today. It's definitely where they found their sound as a group.

5. Mr. Crowley, by Ozzy Osbourne

I could go into detail describing this song, but why? You've heard it. I've heard it. We all have at least once at some time or another in our lives. They play it on the radio at least 20 times a day on all of the classic rock stations. It's an Ozzy classic. It's definitely one of the best songs of his solo career. Of course my favorite parts about it aren't anything to do with Ozzy so much as his guitar player Randy Rhoads. That guy really did know how to make classical style music rock on the guitar.

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